Now Streaming - Wherever you Go

Music, Stories, and Podcasts on the move

Enjoy your favorite podcasts, shows, and more on your mobile device

Naki Go features a collection of stations, shows, and podcasts on a variety of topics. Enjoy great music, inspiring stories, news and politics, interviews, and much more.

Looking to for Shiurim and lectures? Naki Go does that too! With dozens of selections on Parsha, Daf Yomi, Hashkafa, just to name a few, you'll always find something meaningful to listen to on the go.

NakiRadio web app
NakiRadio web app

Just a tap or two away from streaming great content

Use Naki Go in the car, on trips, around the house or anywhere else.

Connect your device to your favorite Bluetooth speaker, headphones or earbuds.


Listen as you go!

See at a glance which podcasts and shows have been updated with new episodes

Uninterrupted play

Play music, podcasts, and stories in the background while you use your mobile device


Stream Naki content through your favorite headphones and speakers

Which pricing plan is perfect for you?

Choose the right pricing for you and get started with listening.

Create a free Portal account today to view the complete collection of available content.

NakiRadio is equipped right out of the box with dozens of stations, shows and podcasts which have been determined to be suitable for all ages. The complete Naki catalogue includes hundreds of additional choices which users can add at their discretion. Use the Portal to easily add or remove items from your Naki devices.

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