What will Naki play for your family? It's up to you!

Customize your Naki experience with the Portal

Hundreds of stories from world class producers

Story Shuffle compatible

Browse, select, pause, and resume

No commitment, cancel anytime.

Free Features

Sync across devices

With the power of single click synchronise your stations and podcasts. You can select devices you would like to sync, or edit devices separately.

Family friendly by default

NakiRadio includes many family-friendly shows by default, and our Portal allows ever user to opt-in to additional adult Shiurim and podcasts. You can add or remove any item to suit your family's preferences.

Device downtime presets

We created downtime presets for you to make it easy. But we also gave you the flexibility do it manually and adjust it to your own needs.

We care about security

Login with the unique Device ID listed on your device and view the entire list of channels available to you on NakiRadio.

New Offer

All-in-One Naki Solution

A new way of enjoying the new NakiRadio device and Premium subscription together

Elevate Your Listening Experience with Naki Bundle: Introducing Our Monthly Subscription Service

Introducing our complete NakiRadio solution, bringing you the best in today's kosher content with our iconic and family-friendly NakiRadio device.

For a single monthly fee, you'll receive a NakiRadio with access to our entire Naki Premium collection. And if there are any issues with the NakiRadio, let us know and we'll send you a new one.

Whether you're interested in the newest releases from popular singers or the best children's content from top storytellers, the Naki Bundle subscription offers a world of carefully curated content for the whole family.

Naki Bundle Includes


Includes NakiRadio, Power Supply, User’s Manual

Comprehensive device replacement warranty

Customer Support

Free Radio Content

Naki Premium & Naki Nigun

Hundreds of stories from top storytellers

Thousands of songs from popular artists

Access Premium on up to 5 devices, including the Naki Go mobile app


Which pricing plan is perfect for you?

Choose the right pricing for you and get started with listening.

NakiRadio Free
The classic NakiRadio experience
Huge selection of stations and podcasts
Thousands of stories, inspirational speeches, and shiurim for all ages
Customize your NakiRadio with additional stations and podcasts
NakiRadio Premium Popular
Includes Naki Nigun
Titles from top storytellers
Full-length audiobooks
Browse, select, pause and resume
Cancel anytime
Naki Nigun
Dozens of top artists, with hundreds of albums and singles
Browse by artist or album
Naki Nigun Shuffle to load a new playlist every time
Cancel anytime

Our portal is custom made for our Naki devices & mobile app